Director’s Desk

We live in an age where there is information overload of all kinds, in almost every subject be it physical or metaphysical. There is a lot of non-news pandering about as news; we consider everything on Google as the gospel truth. We are unable to discern between truth and propaganda, between true news and fake news and between news and non-news.

That, the education industry is in a state of flux is evident. The world is zipping past at too fast a pace, and all of us in the education space are struggling to keep pace and deal with the insecurity that a rapidly changing future holds for us. We find ourselves woefully inadequate in getting future-ready – be it our own lack of clarity or the absence of official directions.

Also, there are very limited engagement platforms that bring together academicians, policy-makers, stakeholders and parents to discuss what is needed to bridge this gap.

Hence, it is my privilege to present you NASCA Learning Centre – a monthly newsletter that aims to illuminate the academic space to nurture the next generation of Movers and Shakers.

Our inaugural newsletter marks our journey into various realms of the education sector. We are committed to presenting the best Thought leadership articles, viewpoints of leading academicians,  discussions fora on Schooling,  New Age Content,  K12 Syllabus, Teaching methodologies, Child Psychology and Global News. It will serve as an authentic platform to share the voice and concerns of the industry and reach its multiple stakeholders – be it academicians, parents, students, government and educational entrepreneurs.

Our inaugural issue is based on the theme, Getting future-ready for all the players in the game – students, schools, parents and management. It is the need of the hour that we address this issue from various perspectives and explore trends across the world.

We hope you like the stories and find key takeaways from them.

We invite you to join us in this journey of co-creating this platform with your thoughts and ideas.

NASCA Learning Centre

At NASCA, we are absolutely thrilled by the amazing powers of the Human mind and thus adopt many innovative instructional practices that help challenge the mental prowess of the child. All our training modules adhere to the “Whole Brain Teaching” methodology. One of the most futuristic teaching styles, here learning is imparted the way the brain is wired.

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NASCA – STEAM Education Brochure

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NASCA Art & Craft Publications
