“Education is not the learning of facts,
but the training of the mind to think”

– Albert Einstein

In today’s ever-evolving era, this quote holds such a strong relevance. Gone are the days of rote learning. Now is the time for educators to get creative, re-think their teaching methodologies, and empower the youth of today to think out-of-the-box.

The Human Brain is one of the most powerful and marvellous creations of Nature. It’s that ocean of countless mysteries that’s waiting to be unearthed and explored! So, it’s high time we dive deep into this ocean and bring out many pearls of wisdom that will benefit the generations that follow.

At NASCA, we are absolutely thrilled by the amazing powers of the Human mind and thus adopt many innovative instructional practices that help challenge the mental prowess of the child. All our training modules adhere to the “Whole Brain Teaching” methodology. One of the most futuristic teaching styles, here learning is imparted the way the brain is wired.

The human brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres – The Left and the Right. Each half is unique and known to perform a pre set collection of functions. While, the Left Side focuses on analytic, logical reasoning, factual analysis, and sequencing, the Right Side predominately controls creativity, intuition, feelings, imagination, and visualization.

Today, educationists the world over are realizing the importance of acquainting children with both sides of the brain since the early days of their childhood. Thus, it is imperative that we shift our focus to not only empower our children to use their analytical and logical skills but also help them harness the powers of their creativity, imagination, and visualization.

NASCA is contributing on this front by providing prominent service offerings namely:

  • STEAM Education – Our STEAM based educational program that aims to spark the young minds by teaching them many practical applications of the various scientific theories  in a innovative maker space environment
  • NEST Publications – One of the most sought after and well-known collection of Art & Craft books, these comply with the curriculum of all National State Boards and International Boards. A lot of research and analysis has been put in while drafting these books. Conceptually driven and empowered with the latest teaching methodologies, these enable teachers to approach the subject with ease and confidence. Every chapter in the book is aided with an audio visual illustration (AVs) which enables experiential learning.

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At NASCA, we are absolutely thrilled by the amazing powers of the Human mind and thus adopt many innovative instructional practices that help challenge the mental prowess of the child. All our training modules adhere to the “Whole Brain Teaching” methodology. One of the most futuristic teaching styles, here learning is imparted the way the brain is wired.

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